Virtual Walk Audit
Elkridge, MD
Do you want a better, safer, more walkable, bikeable and accessible Howard County? Have you ever looked at an intersection or a stretch of roadway and said, “Wow, this could be better designed?” Or “When is this going to be fixed?” The Streets for All Coalition held a virtual walk audit in the Elkridge neighborhood to recommend the changes that are needed to make it easier and safer for everyone to get around.
Miss the virtual event? No problem! You can use the interactive map above to “walk” the route yourself!
Too many of our streets are not accessible or safe for walkers, bikers, bus riders or people with disabilities. As a result, it is too difficult for children to walk safely to school, for people to be more physically active and for people with disabilities and older adults to travel easily and independently. We want Howard County to be a place where people can easily and safely bike or walk where they need to go. A walk audit can help identify the roads, intersections and other spaces that are challenging for pedestrians, bicyclists and bus riders – and help identify solutions.
This virtual walk audit focused on Montgomery Rd. between Rowanberry Dr. and Lawyer Hill Apartments in Elkridge. This route highlighted the projects identified in the WalkHoward pedestrian plan that make up Howard County Capital Project K5035. This project is currently in design, which is a great opportunity for us to move this project forward and see it completed. Please use the interactive map above to learn about the route and provide your comments.
Walk Leader Training Presentation
Fulcrum Mobile App Tutorial (VIDEO)
Fulcrum Desktop Tutorial (VIDEO)
ITE Pedestrian Mobility and Safety Audit Guide
- Page 21 – Sidewalks
- Page 26 – Crosswalks
- Page 27 – Curb ramps
- Page 34 – Pedestrian signals
- Page 41 – Transit
AARP Sidewalks and Streets Survey